Election of the Council for Sorbs/Wends Affairs 2024

Election of the Council for Sorbs/Wends Affairs 2024

Category : Current

Domowina, the umbrella organisation of the Sorbs, is calling on all citizens to take part in the election of the new Council for Sorbs/Wends in Brandenburg. This election is of great importance for the future of the Sorbian community and culture in Brandenburg.

The Council for Sorbian/Wenden Affairs acts as an advisory body to the Brandenburg state parliament and is committed to upholding and improving the rights of the Sorbs and Wends. It represents their interests at a political level and ensures that Sorbian/Wendish concerns are heard and recognised as important in Potsdam/Pódstupim. A high voter turnout strengthens the voice of the Sorbs and Wends in political decision-making processes.

Important dates for the election:

  • Nominations must be submitted in writing to the office of the Election Committee by 28 October 2024.
  • Registration as a voter is possible until 8 December 2024.
  • The postal vote must be completed by 15 December 2024 at 12:00 noon.

All election and information documents are available online at [wolba-serbska-rada.de](http://wolba-serbska-rada.de). Alternatively, they can also be requested from the election committee by e-mail to info@wolba-serbska-rada.de.

Election committee for the election of the 7th Council for Sorbs/Wends at the Brandenburg State Parliament
Tylcyc fire station
Main street 44
03096 Dissen-Striesow/Dešno-Strjažow
Phone: 01525 5417883

Voices from the region:

The Spree-Neiße District Administrator Harald Altekrüger has already completed his application for entry in the electoral register and is appealing to the citizens:
"I would like to call on anyone who feels that they belong to the Sorbs and Wends in Brandenburg to apply for inclusion in the electoral register and to take part in the election of the Sorbian Council. Thanks to the commitment of the council members, voters can make an important contribution to the consideration of Sorbian/Wendish interests in the state parliament. With this in mind, it is worth casting your vote in the election."

Voting is by postal vote only and registration on the electoral roll is still possible until **8 December 2024**.

Take action now and help shape the future of the Sorbian/Wendish community!

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