Handicraft- trade- sanctuaries- a journey through time

Handicraft- trade- sanctuaries- a journey through time

Category : Current

Unusual Museum Days on 30 September - 1 October 2023
Anyone who goes behind the church in Dissen from 30 September to 1 October 2023 from 11:00 to 17:00 will be taken on a journey through time and transported back 1000 years.
Warriors in full armour, men, women and children in simple clothing made of linen and wool and craftsmen from times long past have set up camp. In the shade of the large tents, women cook on the fire, sew and spin. Men forge, carve stones, carve spoons and small bowls from wood. Warriors fight with sword, axe and spear.
An impressive backdrop for what is, after all, a very scientific project to which the Dissen Museum of Local History has dedicated itself. A journey through time into the everyday life of Slavic tribes in the early Middle Ages shows how our ancestors might have lived. An archaeological journey through time, not on the basis of excavation pieces, but in real life - archaeology you can touch. The difficulty of making fire with flint and fire irons alone presents us with a great challenge today. What there was to eat in those days, how it was prepared, you can also learn about that on these days. "Chain mail, gugel (is not an internet search engine) and a pair of leggings" could be the explanation of the clothing of that time. But also their production, from spinning with the hand spindle to dyeing with natural plants to weaving, can be experienced "live". What did the jewellery that men and women wore look like and what materials was it made of? Many questions that can easily be answered on these days. Old crafts from blacksmithing to soapstone carving to woodcraft will be on display and you can not only look over the craftsmen's shoulders, but also try your hand at this art yourself with some of them.
Unfortunately, times were not peaceful in the 10th and 11th centuries and so warriors for protection were part of normal life. What power swords, axes and spears developed or what fighting techniques were used can be experienced in small show fights.

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