Folding with paper in the Heimatstube Burg

After a guided tour of the Heimatstube (topics: The village of Burg in the Spreewald, Lower Sorbian/Wendish language and clothing, flax processing, ...), little boxes with lids are folded.

Spatial imagination, mathematical and geometric skills are promoted, as well as dexterity, precise work and perseverance are trained. At the end, everyone can take home a finished box.

The offer takes place indoors and is aimed at schoolchildren.
of classes 1 to 12.
Dates: by arrangement
Pre-registration: at least 1 week in advance
Duration: approx. 1.5 hours (depending on the students' interest and skills)
Group size: 2 to 12 people
Admission per person: € 1.50

Local History Room Burg (Spreewald)

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