Industrialisation in the Brandenburg Textile Museum Forst

Many empty factories and the railway tracks of the "Black Jules" tell of the once vibrant "German Manchester". There are reports about personalities who helped Forst to industrial growth and prestige. What conditions were necessary for the operation of mechanical machines? What is the connection between industrial development in Forst and the living conditions of employees and employers? How are yarn and cloth made today? We will explore many questions together and find answers.

Activity: Work with video clips, old address books and chronicles, recording technical data of the machines in the clothmaker's show workshop and city tour

The offer takes place indoors and outdoors and is aimed at schoolchildren.
of grades 8 to 10.
Dates: by arrangement
Pre-registration: at least 1 week in advance
Duration: approx. 3 hours
Group size: 5 to 30 people
Admission per person: € 3.50

Brandenburg Textile Museum Forst

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