Museums in the Spree-Neiße/Wokrejs Sprjewja-Nysa district may open from Whitsun!

Museums in the Spree-Neiße/Wokrejs Sprjewja-Nysa district may open from Whitsun!

Category : Current

The state government has issued a new "handling ordinance" that summarises the rules and regulations in dealing with the Sars-Cov-2 virus. This is associated with significant facilitations for museum visits, museum educational offers and events in museums.
What will change for museums as a result of the contact ordinance of 15 June 2021?
1. the AHA rules (minimum distance of 1.5 m, regular air exchange, general hygiene rules, etc.) continue to apply.
2. the wearing of medical masks indoors is now only mandatory when visiting museums if compliance with the distance requirement (1.5 m) cannot be guaranteed. The wearing of a medical mask is no longer mandatory outdoors.
3. the distance requirement does not apply to pupils when attending extracurricular educational activities.
4. museums can now be visited without prior registration. However, access to the museum must still be controlled in such a way that the minimum distance between visitors can be maintained. Also, the personal data of the guests must still be collected.
5. events can be organised for up to 1000 people. Here, too, the personal data must be recorded. At events with fixed seating, the distance between seats can be reduced to 1 metre. The wearing of a medical protective mask is obligatory at events, but does not apply to persons staying in their fixed seating.

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