Successful double exhibition draws to a close

Successful double exhibition draws to a close

Category : Current

The exhibitions 125 Years of Forster's "Schwarze Jule" Town Railway and Majestic Time Travel - 30 Years of Forster's Rose Queen at the Brandenburg Textile Museum in Forst (Lausitz) are open until 8 July 2018 inclusive. Linking technology and history with beauty and fashion has proven to be a successful combination.

Over the past five weeks, more than 1,700 visitors took the opportunity to get acquainted with the two themed Forster originals at the same time or to reminisce. These included visitors from the city of Forst and the East German Rose Garden as well as railway enthusiasts from near and far and many people from Forst.

Anyone who wants to do the same can do so until next Sunday. The museum opens from Tuesday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

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