Application for the promotion of museum facilities in the district of Spree-Neiße

Application for the promotion of museum facilities in the district of Spree-Neiße

Category : Current

Guideline for the promotion of museum facilities in the district of Spree-Neiße

1. preamble

The district of Spree-Neiße supports the development of a district museum landscape. It serves to collect, preserve and convey regional cultural values and thus contributes to the development of regional identity and a sense of home. The Constitution of the State of Brandenburg states in Article 34(2) "Cultural life in its diversity and the communication of cultural heritage shall be publicly promoted. Tasks that can only be solved sensibly and economically at the district level include
- the promotion of innovative approaches and developments in audience-oriented communication
- the further training of museum staff, especially volunteers
- the creation of synergies with other cultural and educational sectors
as well as tourism and business development.

The institutions and projects to be supported in the district include
- The "Sprucker Mühle" museums and the Guben Town and Industry Museum, the Brandenburg Textile Museum in Forst, the Peitz Ironworks and Fisheries Museum and the Peitz Fortress Tower, the Lower Lusatian Sorbian Village Museum in Bloischdorf, the Dissen Local History Museum, the Welzow Archaeotechnical Centre and the Sorbian Weaving Room in Drebkau
- the Museum Night (as a project),
- the continuous development of museum and cultural work,
- the support of the numerous smaller volunteer-run museums and local history rooms is carried out, as long as there is no district support association for the museums, in accordance with this guideline by passing resolutions on applications in the education and culture committee of the district council.

2. grantee

The district of Spree-Neiße supports natural persons as well as associations, initiatives, groups and other legal entities under public and private law (cultural sponsors) within the framework of the available budgetary funds. There is no legal entitlement to funding.

2.1 Object of the promotion

2.1.1 Institutional support of museums (Guben, Forst, Peitz, Dissen, Bloischdorf, Welzow, Drebkau) in the district with a fixed amount of EUR 225,000. The district council decides on the distribution of the grant funds by separate resolution.

2.1.2 For the implementation of the Museum Night and for the professional support of the continuous development of the museum and cultural work of all museums and heritage centres in the district of Spree-Neiße, including the personnel costs for the position of the coordinator in the working group, the Lusatian Museum Land working group will receive subsidies of max.
EUR 50,000 will be made available. The Culture and Education Committee decides on the provision of the funds through a separate resolution.

2.1.3. promotion of the other museums and local history rooms in the district of Spree-Neiße support for operating costs, museums and heritage centres that are members of the Lusatian Museum Land working group and at the Museum Night with a fixed amount of max. 1,200.00 EUR per year. promotion of equipment for the facility Promoting the acquisition of museum objects promotion of museum projects, in particular
- with children, young people and senior citizens as well as
- to promote the attractiveness of tourism

3. preconditions for funding

3.1 Grants are awarded within the limits of the available budget. There is no legal claim to the granting of a subsidy. The district participates within the framework of a share of the funding. The maximum amount of funding will be stated in the decision. An increase in the eligible costs does not result in an increase in the amount of funding.

3.2 The grant is only awarded to eligible institutions located in the district of Spree-Neiße.

3.3 Funding is only provided for measures or projects that are in the public interest.

3.4 Funding is only provided for measures or projects that would not be possible without the district funding.

3.5 The applicant must credibly demonstrate that he/she has examined other adequate funding opportunities. Further funding must be disclosed. Own funds and entrance fees must be included in the funding. Applications are due by 30.04. of the respective year to the Department of School and Culture. Applications received after the deadline can only be considered if the available funds have not been exhausted, taking into account all applications received by the deadline.

3.6 The application must meet the professional requirements for the planned measure, offer the guarantee of an appropriate and economic use of the funds, pursue non-profit objectives as well as offer the guarantee of work conducive to the objectives of the Basic Law.

3.7 Funding will not be provided for projects and facilities that
- run commercially or in the style of a commercial enterprise
especially if they are designed to make a profit,
- have an exclusively religious, party-political or private character,
- investment in construction measures,
- are of exclusive use to the grant recipient and/or
- the implementation of which generates surpluses for the grantee.

4. type and scope of funding (funding procedure)

4.1 Grants are only awarded upon written application which includes a justification of the measure and the intended objective. Forms are available from the School and Culture Department. The application must be submitted to the Department of School and Culture of the Spree-Neiße district within a reasonable period of time before the start of the measure.
If the application is submitted by a legal entity, a responsible person legally representing the cultural body must be named.

4.2 Measures that are not carried out after approval are to be reported immediately to the Department of School and Culture.

4.3 A written notice of approval shall be issued for the amount of funding. This notice of approval shall specify in particular the purpose of the grants, the type of funding and the overall financing as well as the use to which they are to be put.

4.4 The proper use of the grant must be proven within one month after completion of the project by means of a meaningful proof of use and original receipts. The applicant is obliged to keep all cost receipts of the respective measure for 5 years after submission of the proof of use and, upon request, to submit them to the
Spree-Neiße district to be submitted.

5. maximum funding amount and own contribution

5.1 Funding for the measures mentioned under 2.1.3, points 2 to 4, amounts to a maximum of EUR 2,500 per institution per calendar year. In justified exceptional cases, the funding may amount to EUR 5,000 if no application was or will be submitted in the previous year or in the following year. The funding amounts to a maximum of 80 % of the proven costs.
Corresponding contributions in kind, such as the provision of goods, services, but also labour can be recognised for the provision of own contribution.

6. authorisation and disbursement of funds

6.1 The approval of applications for measures according to points to takes place after endorsement by the Culture and Education Committee of the District Council.

6.2 Individual applications for funding in the areas listed under to of these guidelines, the amount of which does not exceed EUR 1,200, shall be decided as a matter of day-to-day administration. The Culture and Education Committee shall decide on exceptions to the funding criteria.

6.3 The funds shall be disbursed at the earliest after the budget has been adopted by the district council.

6.4 Once a year, the Culture and Education Committee receives a written summary of the funding.

7. entry into force

7.1 The guideline for the promotion of museum facilities shall come into force on 01.01.2019.

7.2 At the same time, the guideline on the promotion of museum facilities, district council resolution
No. 167-019/2017 of 28.04.2017 shall cease to have effect.

Forst (Lausitz), 13.12.2018

Harald Altekrüger
District Administrator

Application for funding of museum facilities to download: Application form

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