Application for a grant to promote cultural and artistic offerings
The Directive for the awarding of grants can be found here.
Download for the Request
Source: District of Spree-Neiße/Wokrejs Sprjewja-Nysa, FB School, Culture and Sport
The Directive for the awarding of grants can be found here.
Download for the Request
Source: District of Spree-Neiße/Wokrejs Sprjewja-Nysa, FB School, Culture and Sport
Category : Current
From Sunday 8 May 2022, the Niederlausitzer Heidemuseum will be hosting the double exhibition "Schaufenster Museum" and "Präparieren - eine alte Kunst". The new team leader of the museum, Ms Annemarie Ziegler, will open the two different exhibitions.
From HOME MUSEUM DISSEN (telephone number 035606-256) the following exhibitions can be borrowed:
1. "Lower Sorbian/Wendish customs in the cycle of the year" - 13 panels
2. "Blue with white flowers- a blueprint exhibition" - 6 panels and blueprint objects
3. "Animals in Mysticism, Customs and Folk Beliefs in Sorbian/Wendish Lusatia". - 7 panels
4. "Reformation in Lower Lusatia" - several panels
5th "Photo exhibition on Sorbian/Wendish customs in Lower Lusatia by Bernd Choritz - 37 pictures, available for loan with frames and mounts
6. "Sorbian Folk Art in the GDR" - 13 plates
7. "What's for Sunday rest in the Spreewald - coffee, pancakes and cake"- 7 boards
Other institutions lend very appealing special exhibitions:
The WENDISH MUSEUM Cottbus (telephone number: 0355-4944359) offers the following exhibitions:
1. "Wendish wet nurses" - 15 panels
2. "My Wendish Roots" exhibition on emigration - 12 panels
3rd "Satkula" photo exhibition on lignite and environmental change
4th art exhibition Schieber and Fritz Lattke
5th photo exhibition with works by Erich Rinka
6th photo exhibition with works by Erich Schutt
7 "On the life and work of Mato Kosyk".
8. "300 Years of the New Testament in the Sorbian Language" - 12 panels
9. with pen and sword - Slavic/Wendish Middle Ages in the mirror of chroniclers, literature and art" - 16 sheets in the format 70 x 100 cm
10th History Exhibition "Prědnych 100 lět Domowiny" / "100 Years of Domowina" - 16 sheets in the format 70 x 100 cm
From the Sorbian cultural information LODKAExhibitions can be borrowed from the museum, telephone: 0355-48576468:
1. The Sorbs/Wends in Lusatia
2. Easter with the Sorbs
3. Exhibition on the life and work of Ernst Mucke
4. Wendish life in the countryside - historical photo exhibition
5. Wendish House Cottbus/Chóśebuz- Sorbian institutions presented
About the Domowina Niederlausitz Projekt gGmbh,, phone:0355-75218007 can visit the exhibition "Liuba" can be borrowed. 12 pictures 60 x 40cm, aluminium composite without frame, profile suspension
Anyone who wants to see the exhibition "Shop Window Museum would like to borrow, please contact the Association Local Action Group Spree-Neiße-Land e.V.,
Phone: 03562 986 161 99, e-mail:
The Friends of the Lübben (Spreewald) Town and Regional Museum e.V. presents its exhibition "More than a costume - Wěcej ako drastwa" The book is available for free loan to interested parties.
Phone: 03546 187478
Category : Current
The Lusatian Museum Land Working Group exchanging experiences at the Prignitz Museums Support Group
As part of the LAG project of Spree - Neiße - Land e.V., an 18-member excursion group of museum experts from the Lausitzer Museenland working group travelled to their colleagues in Prignitz on 12 and 13 November.
Category : Current
The workshop of the Lusatian Museum Land working group in the LAG project of Spree-Neiße-Land e.V.: Around 20 representatives of museums from the Lusatian Museum Land working group came to the Welzow Archaeotechnical Centre (ATZ) on 30 August 2021 to make plans together for their cooperation in the near future.
Category : Current
On 28 May 2018, a meeting of the Lusatian Museum Land working group took place at the Forst (Lusatia) Textile Museum. There, Ms Schuster, the then representative director of the Wendish-German Museum of Local History in Jänschwalde, spoke to Mr Ackermann and Mr Domann from the Historical Association of Peitz e.V. to ask if they knew of anyone who could build an old handloom,
Category : Current
The state government has issued a new "handling ordinance" that summarises the rules and regulations in dealing with the Sars-Cov-2 virus. This is associated with significant facilitations for museum visits, museum educational offers and events in museums.
Category : Current
For more than 50 years, Reinhard Natusch, an enthusiastic local historian of Sacro and the surrounding area, has actively devoted himself to the history of his hometown, and so it was only natural that he should want to preserve this knowledge in books for posterity.
Category : Current
For all owners of a smartphone, there are two audio/video guides in which the museums of the "Lusatian Museum Land" are presented.
The audio guides entitled "Lusatian Museum Land - Industry, Mining, Excursion Destinations by Bike" and "Lusatian Museum Land - Sorbs/Wends, Erwin Strittmatter, Heimatstuben" are available on the Hearonymus platform.
Category : Current
The Brandenburg state government has decided to allow museums and exhibition halls to reopen earlier than expected.